Sunday, 8 June 2008

Baby Lizards...

They are popping out of shells; they are crawling on the floor exposing themselves to sudden death under your feet; they are pooping crapping shitting everywhere; they are hiding behind my books menacingly; and they give absolutely no warning before dropping from the ceiling and crawling in the nicely made bed you are about to sleep in.

I am trying, trying extremely hard to co-exit with these creatures. After all they are considered house gods in Okinawa and they eat the disease-spreading mosquitoes. But seriously, these tiny lizards are driving me nuts. I am not completely phobic about lizards, but I am nonetheless always surprised by their appearance and I just wish they would be invisible to me! Some years ago, one dropped on my head as I opened the door to enter the bedroom to sleep and the tiny thing got caught in my hair and I had to take a shower in the middle of the night! Two more times before lizards have fallen and crawled down me. Can anyone blame me for not liking them??

There is another big fat one that lives atop our television set. I think its a she, and a she which produced all these tiny ones. This big fat momma always jumps out when you go near the TV to switch it off. And it jumps with a plop that makes you jump out of your skin! I may be a vegetarian and an animal lover, but I hate lizards. And all creatures are cute as babies, EXCEPT LIZARDS!!!


Chaudhary V said...

Dear Juhi
I support you in this hatred.....yaar even I don't like Lizards...infact am afraid of it.But ya I don't find them here and honestly speaking I don't miss them at all :))
And ya regarding your last Blog, I can understand your nostalgia.Infact I was just talking to a german classmate of mine(she is a Japanese), and I told her about you. She was so excited to hear of Okinawa as she went there for her honeymoon with her swiss husband.
But I would suggest you to think positively because MPhil was a must for you. You worked so hard for it and not everyone gets a chance to do it.So going back to India and finishing your MPhil is definitely worth it. And you can go back to Okinawa whenever you want it(maybe for your honeymoon too ;))
So Cheer up and enjoy........
Love you

Isa said...

One jumped on your head?! That's a little too much. I wouldn't mind them if they kept to their walls in the hostel... but I know, I share your chagrin. I will never forget the day I saw two mating in the washroom. Not a pretty sight, I tell you.

Unknown said...

thankx warsaw! :)

and isss, do you remember that crazy time when you and I shrieking on the top of our lungs caught a big fat specimen in a polythene bag? that was wild!!!

Isa said...

Oh man DO I remember that! That still forms the stuff of my worst lizard nightmares! ;) Remember the way it jumped?!