Tuesday 25 September 2007


My life seems to revolve around the Metro, and I am obsessed about it!

A totally random thing happened today... I was traveling in the yellow line to Vishwavidyalaya, and I chanced to sit next to a girl who was munching away from a tiffin box. I was fidgeting and squirming in my seat as I felt like telling her off about this. "Eating, Drinking, or Smoking in the Metro and station area is not permitted." And they make these announcements all the time! But of course, this girl had plugged her ears with earphones and so she couldn't hear the announcements. I finally decided I'd had it as she kept at it for more than 10 minutes and she was attracting flies (Yuck!!).

I took out my notebook, and wrote her a note saying: "Eating is not allowed in the Metro. You may be doing it cleanly, but others will look at you and start doing it too. Please refrain from setting such a bad example!" and I handed it to her as the train approached the Station before Vishwavidyalaya, and I walked out of the train! I was so annoyed that I couldn't stay in there anymore!

I was already late for the seminar, and the huge platform clock glared 14:44 in a bright red at me. The triple 4s might as well have been 6s as they spelled out doom for me! (my seminars start at 2:30pm) And as I waited for the next train, I wondered why I had been so silly to walk out of the train. I could have waited just before reaching the Vishwavidyalaya station to hand her the note! or why couldn't I just say it to her instead of writing it down?

As the questions plagued my mind, the train approached, and inside, was my really good friend, sitting with her boyfriend whom I had never met, but had seen photos of. She was my first friend at the Hostel, when I started living there four years ago. I hadn't met this friend since I came back from Japan, even though I had made plans but had to cancel. It was so random, to meet her there! If that girl hadn't been eating, I would never get off at Vidhan Sabha, and board a train with my friend in it when I was running so late for class!

I can only say, what a strange coincidence that was!


Anonymous said...

strange indeed...

Rachel said...

I didn't realize you had a new blog going! I'm glad I found it! :)