Thursday 14 February 2008

frensip? gimme a break!

you know that cliched question.... why me?
well, I am asking it.
becauseof this:
Day before yesterday I get a call from an unknown number. I missed it. Well, too bad. If it was important they would call again.
Yesterday, I get another call from that same number. I pick up and the caller hangs up. Ehhum..?
Today, I get two missed calls just before I leave for the University to go give my presentation. Now I'm beginning to feel a little worried and a little pissed. Curiousity would kill me, I needed to know what it was about so that I could have a fresh mind before I go do my paper. I call up the number and there's a guy with a bad English accent who tells me his name. And I go, so? He then says that he wishes 'to have frensip with me'
... ugh yuck gross creep blakh shiver ugh-again yuck-again!!
Of course I hung up the phone. I got 3 more missed calls during my presentation. that's why I ask... why me? weird callers who I don't know on Valentine's Day! What is up with the world? I didn't ask for this! just gimme a break, God! And keep the frensips away! thank you.


Amy said...

Does "frensip" mean friendship? Or is it something dirty?

Unknown said...

yes, it means friendship, but with connotations of more than that... Its actually people with bad accents, who don't know english well who say such things, ie. the semi-illiterate kinds of people. Its like they want to get to know you, and become friends in order to start a love affair/relationship. Its in a way something dirty because its propositioning... but of a crude, vulgar kind...