Tuesday 15 January 2008

busy day

What a day it was today! Exhausting, strenuous and eventful:

I was involved in an argument I didn't want to be involved in.
I saw a book written by my father as the object of a guy's photocopying desire.
I was given unconscious complements about my age by 2 different people in separate circumstances.
I shouted at people in the Metro like never before.
I climbed 32 flights of stairs up and down.
I was in an out of the metro stations 5 times (as opposed to a usual of 2).
I signed my name on an important document over 50 times.
I made and recieved calls more times in one day than I do in a week.
I twisted my foot badly while descending stairs.


Liz Brooks said...

Does all the signing, metro riding, stair climbing and phone answering mean you passed your important exam? Or something else? I'm so curious!

Unknown said...

hey liz! All that just meant that I had one of the most tiring days yet in Delhi! :)
didnt really pass anything! thankfully, didnt pass out either! :)