Saturday, 30 January 2010


It has been a while since I wrote on this blog. Its not that I have had nothing to write.... believe me, I have had plenty of things to write about in the past two months. It's just that I was:
  1. very busy. December 2009 was the busiest month of my life it seems. Can't recall another time when I was this busy. Juggling the three places of work was not easy.
  2. very lazy. when I did have some time to rest I was too lazy to get up and write. I would end up catching up on lost sleep instead.
  3. very cold. January was so cold! I already posted the blue nails evidence on FB, so you know how terrible it was for me. And typing or using the Computer made it worse, because the internet connection is in the coldest room of the house. Want to get WiFi but have been 1. too busy, 2. too lazy and 3. too cold to get it.
But, I did do some exciting and fun things while I was so busy, lazy and cold too. I shall tell yopu about those soon. Just wait for it!



nandini said...

Juhi, when r u telling us what u did when it was busy, cold, and lazy? :-p

nandini said...

Juhi, when r u telling us what u did when it was busy, cold, and lazy? :-p