Saturday 11 April 2009


I have been contemplating for a long time to update my blog, with something more fun than ad campaigns to save turtles. I still have to write a blog about Liz in India (which has been unceremoniously dumped in drafts with the single word Liz as a title...) Its not like I don't have things to say. I have lots. But I find that recently my thoughts have been highly unstructured. Even while studying I am unable to focus on the task at hand. I jump from one book to the next thinking that maybe the other book would automatically grasp my attention allowing me to get some concrete work done. But no. My mind wanders from happiness that was travelling with Liz and to sadness at the loss of some stuff. In this year I have managed to loose some sentimentally valuable stuff - like my Nine West pouch with my favourite eyeshadow and a necklace a friend sent to me in Okinawa in it at Niigata. I lost a pair of earrings Isa gave me. Then I recently lost one of a pair of silver earrings that I just bought in Jaipur with Liz. It was fast becoming a fav as regular wear didn't make my earlobes sore. I believe I have also lost a friend recently - and I don't want to talk about that. Then a couple of days ago I smashed to smithereens one of a pair of new contact lenses. I guess I am becoming either careless or very unlucky; maybe I am both. I am sad most of the times for no reason, even though apart from these loosing sprees I have been alright otherwise. I think too much and consequently accomplish nothing. It could also be that I now live in the hostel, and even though I have friends, at the end of the day a loneliness sets in. I am going home tomorrow, so I shall do a happy task - that of posting travel pics and write the blog on Liz :)


Chiye said...

Oh Juhi! I am sorry that you are having such a bad streak! I hope that it ends soon! I can try and find the necklace from Okinawa for you if you want!! Take care!

Unknown said...

Oh... my writing is obscure... I meant that my friend sent it to me while I was in Okinawa, but I lost it in Niigata.. it was in the pouch.. had taken it off before jumping into a rotenburo.

but thanks a lot for offering!

I am trying hard to make peace with all this! and I know I shall, with time. :)

Liz Brooks said...

You still have one of the earrings from the pair bought in Jaipur. Don't abandon it! Find an earring to match it with, or wear it in one of your upper-lobe piercings when you're wearing a different pair in the lower. May it always serve as a reminder of any of the following: the consequences of carelessness; the small disappointments synonymous to life that we must accept or may as well die; lost potential; when you feel an itch or pinch or small discomfort in your bra, investigate immediately!; the frivolity of material things, and/or the beautiful time we had together. I think there's still value in that one earring. But I do feel for your loss.

I will write a blog this weekend about India, so you can put it to shame with yours. Although, don't feel pressure to write a post on it if you don't want; you don't have to.